Kingfishers, lithograph with Chine colle, 18" x 20", 2011
My work has always engaged with science; my earliest memories are of my explorations of nature and a feeling of complicity with the natural world. That connection has inspired this project: I use pairs or groups of birds as tropes for modes of human interaction, in this case, a mimetic communication through text and smart phone schemas. Who says what to whom is left undefined, and imagined narratives point to our perceptions of nature and the ease with which we anthropomorphize, and then naturalize our own behavior.
What they say.. lithograph with Chine colle, 18" x 20", 2010
What they say.. lithograph with Chine colle, 18" x 20", 2010
It doesn't matter what they say.. lithograph with Chine colle, 18" x 20", 2009